Dual Agent or Get Your Own? A Changing, More Aggressive Business Buying Market…

Yesterday, I was reviewing a buyer’s signed purchase contract. He came to me after signing it, as his agent had said he should. His agent said he needed to hire someone to do the due diligence on the business. When I read the contract, I was shocked.

It turned out, in layman’s terms; the contract stated that the buyer was agreeing that:

  1. All paperwork had already seen
  2. What he has seen already was all that he was agreeing to be getting.
  3. The due diligence investigation time period had ended.
  4. Due diligence was approved because it was not disapproved, prior to signing this contract.
  5. Regardless, if he asked for more paperwork or not, if the buyer backed out he lost his deposit.

This was the most restrictive and dangerous contract I’ve seen in a long time. It makes any kind of real due diligence impossible, of course, since the buyer had already waived his rights to back out of the deal. The author of this contract was a dual agent.

Definition of a dual agent

Dual Agency in a real estate transaction means the listing broker represents both the seller and the buyer. A dual agent must not disclose confidential information to either party and must operate in a hands-off manner. A dual agent cannot get the highest price for the seller and the lowest price for the buyer — it is impossible. (Definition provided by about.com)

From what I’m seeing, dual agents are getting more aggressive these days in this market. This is   especially true of putting clauses in the contracts that are getting increasingly seller-oriented and box the buyers into corners, more than I’ve seen before. The dual agent is not always providing the legally required dual agent notifications that are given to buyers.

As the business buyer, you’ve got the upper hand, so please act like it. Get your own agent, who is not also your seller’s agent, and get your full due diligence done before releasing your due diligence review rights. And for the sake of your own easy life later on, don’t sign what you haven’t thoroughly read.

Please, do yourself a favor and don’t sign any paperwork, for a business, without reviewing what you’re signing, and making sure that due diligence or getting your deposit back aren’t going to be impossible.

Call me if you have questions, I’m glad to consult.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Business Buying Services and a clickable link back to this page.



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